The problem I've found is that, rather than the pure fresh rose I was expecting, the effect is rather like a pure fresh rose mixed with metal, and not nice metal. (What would nice metal smell like?) That smell your hands get after you've rolled all your loose nickels into rolls for the bank? It's that smell, compounded with flowers. Roses pounded with dirty nickels. Floral base metal.
Ghahhah. The mind rebels. I actually pull away from the smell of this, with my face screwed up, trying to avoid it. Apparently I am not the only person afflicted with this problem. One commenter at Now Smell This writes: "For some reason, that one came off metallic, like tin, on me. It smelled like a rose wrapped in aluminum foil."
Now Smell This sensibly replies: "It is a wonderful thing when something expensive smells horrible on the skin, no?"
Oh yes. I still have the better part of a milliliter of this stuff left. Send me an SASE, and it's yours. Now I have to go and scrub my wrists. I put on one last dab of the gunk before posting, to see if the earlier impression was hasty. It was not. My wrist smells like gunmetal and dying flowers. Soap! SOAP!
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